In Honor of the International Day of the African Child, All4Women in Collaboration with TalkLoveAfrica Foundation is lending a strong voice in this year’s event by working with some children in the Littoral region (Douala) to promote #progressive Education.
On 16 June 1976 In Soweto, South Africa, thousands of black schoolchildren took to the streets to protest about the inferior quality of their education and to demand their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of them were shot down; and in the two weeks of protest that followed, more than a hundred people were killed and more than a thousand injured.
To honor their courage and in memory of those killed, in 1991 the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union) established the Day of the African Child. The Day also draws attention to the lives of African children today.”
In every sense the African Child has suffered deprivation, neglect and great misdeeds from the hands of authorities and a society that supposed to protect, guide and guard their lives.
Today however there is progress across countries in Africa with various child’s rights acts and bills on parliamentarian tables for deliberations for the support of the safety and care of the African Child.
It is part of us and our organization’s mission to see that every child have access to education because it is the key that unlocks the brighter future for them. Though we work more with girls in order to breach the gender inequality gap, we encourage and support every child boy or girl to get access to Education.