Health Education on Gestational Diabetes

Health Education on Gestational Diabetes and Nutrition For Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers at Limbe Camp, South West Region, Cameroon.


In 2010, the Launch of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health by the United Nations Secretary-General was a pivotal moment to spring up the accessibility and improvement of the health and well-being of Women and Children.

According to OCHA 2019 (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), the effects of arm conflict in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions (Northwest and southwest regions) that began in 2016 has led to the displacement of thousands of people and deteriorating humanitarian conditions affecting the lives of more than 4 million people. Many of these displaced persons face insecurity risk, loss of livelihoods, no shelter, inadequate feeding and dressing, loss of right to education, health and peaceful living. Healthcare being a Human Right is worth promoting and preserving.

Armed conflicts reduce healthcare provision through the destruction of healthcare infrastructure, food and water supplies and sanitation systems. Women and children most often are the biggest victims during such conflicts and this in most cases leads to poverty. It will be important to note that during pregnancy, women are likely to face multiple stressful life events, including unemployment, more crowded or polluted physical environments, and far fewer resources to deal with these exposures. This is being manifested in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon following the ongoing arm conflicts’.


This session was facilitated by Mrs. Aka Christabelle (Nurse at Limbe Pharmacy). In other words it could be described as “by the fireside- discussion. This session was very interactive and educative. She explained in simple and plain terms with some demonstrations on how to lead a healthy life during pregnancy and after child birth. Some of these included physical exercises, regular checkups on blood pressure and sugar level, proper dieting such as eating healthy foods. She further explained with demonstrations on how to interpret the blood pressure and sugar level results including the meaning, direct and indirect causes of maternal mortality. The participants were so keen in listening to this, as majority of them had never learned of such.  She further urged the participants to pay attention to any sudden changes in their bodies as failure to do so lead to complications which may endanger their health and that of their unborn babies.


In response to the situation, All4Women organized an educational program to intervene and bring about maternal health and nutritional change for pregnant women, nursing Mothers and children .The solution was implemented in two folds. The first phase was characterized by educational talks on healthcare and nutrition such as proper dieting, regular exercise, regular checkups on blood pressure and sugar level , just to name a few. The second phase was characterized by the distribution of gifts, where the association made provisions of some basic healthcare and nutritional items. These items comprised of healthy baby food for children (phosphertin cereal), mineral water for mother and child, water disinfectant, baby wipes, powder, bathing gel, sanitary pads, diapers and so many others.

 Prior visit was made to CDC middle farms camp and the Limbe middle farms camp by two volunteers. This was facilitated with the help of the camp president Mr. Ruben whom with his tremendous assistance, we could talk one on one with the beneficiaries, understand the context, establish relationship with the community and potential beneficiaries. This gave us the opportunity to inform the community about our visit while collecting information that was used to prepare our visit with satisfactory outcomes. Our volunteers met with – pregnant women and girls and – nursing mothers, majority of which were Internally Displaced (IDP’s).

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